项目开发中,在进行数据库表结构设计时,会根据业务需求及业务模块之间的关系,分析并设计表结构,由于业务之间相互关联所以各个表结构之间也存在着各种联系,基本上分为三种: 一对一 one to one 如用户与用户详情的关系 多用于单表拆分,将一张表的基础字段和扩展字段分开存储,减少数据冗余,提高数据库性能.可在任意一方添加外键关联另一方的主键,并且外键字段设置 UNIQUE 约束. 一对多(多对一) one to many 如一个部门对应多个员工,一个员工只能对应一个部门. 这种关系一般是通过在多的一方添加外键来实现的.(员工表中设置部门 id 作为外键,指向部门表中的主键) 多对多 many to many 如一个学生可以选择多个课程,一个课程也可以被多个学生选择. 这种关系一般是通过添加第三张表来实现的.(学生表,课程表,学生课程表),中间表中设置学生 id 和课程 id 作为外键,指向学生表和课程表的主键.
合并查询(笛卡尔积,显示所有组合结果,不常用) SELECT * FROM table1,table2; 消除无效组合(内连接) SELECT * FROM employee, department WHERE employee.dept_id = department.id;
内连接查询 Inner Join
隐式内连接: SELECT 字段列表 FROM 表1, 表2 WHERE 条件 ...; 显式内连接(性能较高) SELECT 字段列表 FROM 表1 [ INNER ] JOIN 表2 ON 连接条件 ...;
sql inner join 3 tables example
外连接查询 Outer Join
分为左外连接、右外连接、全外连接(Left Join, Right Join, Full Join)
Note: UNION 会自动去重, UNION ALL 不会去重;联合查询比使用 or 效率高,不会使索引失效
子查询 Subquery
SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE column1 = ( SELECT column1 FROM t2); 在 SQL 中,子查询(Subquery)是嵌入在其他 SQL 查询中的查询,又称嵌套查询。 子查询可以用在各种 SQL 语句中,如 SELECT、INSERT、UPDATE、DELETE,以及在 WHERE 或 HAVING 子句中。
lost update Transaction A and Transaction B read and updates the same data, The update of Transaction A is lost because Transaction B overwrites it.
dirty read A transaction reads data written by a concurrent uncommitted transaction.
nonrepeatable read A transaction re-reads data it has previously read and finds that data has been modified by another transaction (that committed since the initial read).
phantom read A transaction re-executes a query returning a set of rows that satisfy a search condition and finds that the set of rows satisfying the condition has changed due to another recently-committed transaction.
serialization anomaly The result of successfully committing a group of transactions is inconsistent with all possible orderings of running those transactions one at a time.